I told Ray that I was going to start using coupons but I was never going to be one of the crazy ladies, like Natalie, who posted pictures of their shopping trips on their blog. Well after yesterday I learned why those crazy ladies post those pictures on their blog. It is because when you find an amazing deal you are proud of yourself and you want to show everyone. So here I am, posting pictures of my shopping trip yesterday. I think I am officially on the road to becoming a crazy coupon lady.
Yesterday we went to Rite Aid, which is a place I never shop. Now it is one of my favorite places to shop. Here is the picture of everything I bought.
We also went to Walgreens yesterday, which is now one of my favorite stores also. This trip wasn't quite as exciting but it was still pretty impressive. Here is my Walgreens picture.
So after a big day of shopping I ended up only spending a total of $3.47 (since I made a profit at Rite Aid). For a beginner coupon lady, I don't think I did too bad.
I don't know if anyone even reads our blog but if you are interested in couponing here are a few of the blogs/website I check daily for the best deals:
http://hip2save.com/ (Natalie just told me about this one)